How The Body of Christ Functions

When I was in the Seventh Grade (1945) my Homeroom Teacher, Miss Gertrude Cooper, had us kids make paper chains. Her point was that we needed to all work together because “A Chain is Only as Strong as it’s Weakest Link.”  Miss Cooper probably had heard about “Great Chain of Being”? (There is of course great order in the original creation though most everything is broken now!) That idea of depending on one’s fellow Junior Highers resonated with me because Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt in their weekly radio broadcasts urged us to work together in a unique time of history of Us against Them—the Allies vs the Axis.

I had no clue that the root issue was whether or not each of us knew Jesus. The world outside of Jesus Christ has always been divided and chaotic.

“The human race seethes with unrest and rebellion. Our political institutions are polarized, divided to the left and right without any common ground in the center. Despite the signs of current prosperity, our debt-ridden, hair-triggered economy seems precariously balanced on the verge of collapse. We have barred and deadbolted our homes, making ourselves prisoners while criminals roam free in our neighborhoods, grafitti-tagging and shooting at random, filling our hearts with fear. With every day's headlines, with every new atrocity or terrorist attack, we see more evidence that there is a very thin line which separates civilization from anarchy. We seem to be approaching not just a political breakdown, but a cultural meltdown.“ (Ray Stedman, Body Life)

Any real unity and team work was often to be found in scattered communities of Christians (rare even so). Of course people work together on common causes for their own safety and well being. But a basic unity deep down has been given to the people of Jesus:

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Ephesians 4:1-6)

“One nation under God” used to be a mantra our forefathers subscribed to but no longer! The “Under God” is particularly unctuous to many now.  The New Testament has very little to say about Christian involvement in politics or defending "family values" or promoting peace and justice or opposing pornography or defending the rights of this or that oppressed group...the New Testament says relatively little about these things because God knows that the only way to solve these problems and heal broken relationships is by introducing a totally new dynamic into human life--the dynamic of the life of Jesus Christ. The life of Jesus Christ is what men and women truly need. The elimination of darkness begins with the introduction of light. The elimination of hatred begins with the introduction of love. The elimination of sickness and corruption begins with the introduction of life. We must begin with the introduction of Christ, for that is the calling to which we have been called. (Ray Stedman)

A Body

Paul says the church is a body under the control of its Head.
What a tragedy it would be if that body refused to respond to the direction of its Head!
In realm of medicine, there are diseases which ravage the nerve pathways which enable the human brain to control the human body.
| It is tragic and heartbreaking to see a person bound to a wheelchair or hospital bed, unable to control his movements and body functions.
A church which is unresponsive to its Head is every bit as tragic and heartbreaking to watch.

A Temple

The church is also a temple for the exclusive habitation and use of a Person who dwells within,
and who has the right to do with that temple whatever He wills.

An Army

The church is an army under the command of a king.
An army that will not obey its leader is useless as a fighting force.
Therefore, says Paul to the church, obey your orders, follow your Head.

Why then did God cause the great world-wide lockdown of March 2020? It seems at first glance to have been the last thing we needed! 


The Connected People
Mankind’s Downward Spiral
God and the Lockdown

Symptoms of a Huge Meltdown
The Worthless Shepherd
Strike the Shepherd
The Meaning of “The Remnant”
The Antichrist 
Famine in the Land 
Horizontal and Vertical Salvation
The Management of the Universe

The Left Hand of God
New Body Life
Earth’s Near Term Future

The Body of Christ in Perilous Times
Living Stones
Body Life by Ray Stedman

My Need Sheet

My income is very modest: Social Security, 1987 Retirement Annuity, Contributions via the Sowing Circle.
Last year saw me falling short of having enough to pay the mortgage by $14,000.
My small town house (Pomeroy Palace) almost reached Foreclosure.
Loyal friends saved the save leaving only a current shortfall of only $4100. 



A wonderful Arab tour guide in Israel back in 2001 said to our group,

“You all know that money is a root of all evil and that money causes much suffering. I want to help you. Just give me your money and I will suffer for you.”

I am very grateful for support funds in any amount. Your cash contributions may be sent to me through my PayPal Account above.
However, I am not able to provide a tax-deductible receipt if you are using PayPal. For a tax deductible receipt, donations need to be made by check.

My ancient newsletters and my dozen recent new newsletters are all to be found stored in my dusty old library at . Help thyself. Free of course.
I answer email myself and value making new friends and affirming invaluable older friendships. 

Health: Very good. 89 in May, should the Lord tarry.
“The outer man perishes but the inner man is renewed day by day.”

Ray Stedman, Guidelines on Giving | Paul Winslow on Tithing

Checks Payable to The Sowing Circle
Attn: Lambert Dolphin Ministries
29 Rancho Circle
Lake Forest, CA 92630-8324

Please make sure to write Lambert Dolphin Ministries or just "LDM" in the memo field of your check—thank you.

Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!  (2 Corinthians 9:15)


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April 16, 2021