Background on Leprosy in the Bible
(Heb. sara'at; Gk. lepra]. A leper suffers from a specific form
of mycobacterial infection that was dreaded in antiquity and that until A. D.
1960 was regarded as intractable and incurable. To reduce the psychological
trauma reported by sufferers, the condition has been renamed "Hansen's
disease," after G. A. Hansen, who discovered the causative organism (see
III below).
Antiquity of Leprosy
Symptomatology and Diagnosis
In the OT
In the NT
Both ancient and modern writings show considerable confusion about the
terminology for leprosy. Heb. sara'at is of uncertain provenance and meaning,
having been related variously to the roots for "strike," "become
disfigured in the skin," "erupt," and "hornet." Since
the ailment is given more prominence than any other in Scripture, the inability
to determine the term's derivation is very unfortunate. In Lev. 13 sara'at is evidently used in a
technical sense, describing a class of pathological conditions. If related to
Akk. sinnitu,
"eruption," the root can describe any type of cutaneous eruptive
lesion, including clinical leprosy. The comprehensive nature of sara'at is indicated by its
application not only to human pathology but also to molds, mildews, and mineral
efflorescence in the walls of buildings or on fabrics.
LXX translates sara'at by the comprehensive term lepra, which for the Greeks
signified an ailment that resulted in a scaly condition of the skin. Lepra was
associated by Herodotus (i.138) and Hippocrates (who named it the
"Phoenician disease") with leuke, a cutaneous affliction characterized by
a localized absence of pigment, probably the modern leucoderma. Galen (A.D.
130-201) and some Greek medical writers before him employed elephas or elephantiasis for a more serious
cutaneous disease that seems to have corresponded closely to modern clinical
leprosy. The Romans generally preferred the Greek term lepra to the more cumbersome elephantiasis
("of the Greeks"), and the Vulgate uses lepra to render Heb. sara'at. Hence
"leprosy" occurs in later English versions of the Bible.
versions have difficulty rendering the obscure Hebrew terms in Lev. 13, which
contains diagnostic material intended for priests of the 2nd millennium B.C. In
v.2. e,g., Heb, se'et (Gk. oule) is translated "rising" in the A V,
"swelling" in the RSV. and "discoloration" in the NEB. For
Heb. sappahat
(Gk. semasia)
in the same verse, the AV has "scab," the RSV "eruption,"
and the NEB "pustule." Heb. baheret (Gk. telaugema) is variously rendered
"bright spot" (AV), "spot" (RSV), and
"inflammation" (NEB). Particularly unfortunate is the NEB's use of
"malignant skin disease" for sara'at, which is a comprehensive
Hebrew term describing a variety of skin afflictions. Some of these were
benign, and the priest could pronounce the sufferer clean. Only one form of sara'at, a chronic, spreading
affliction, was deemed malignant by the diagnostic procedure and merited the
strictures of vv. 45f.
Antiquity of Leprosy.
This dreaded disease is supposed to have existed in India and China from ca.
4000 B.C., but this dating is very difficult to establish factually. Kinnier
Wilson suggested that leprosy may have been the incurable skin condition
mentioned in an Old Babylonian omen tablet, since the symptoms include loss of
skin pigment, odor, and an apparent outbreak of papules (J. V. Kinnier Wilson, Revue
d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale, 60 [1966], 47). Although serious skin
diseases were known to both the Sumerians and the Babylonians, it is impossible
to ascertain whether any of the technical terms in the various texts refer to
leprosy. But probably the Mesopotamians did become familiar with leprosy during
the 3rd millennium B.C.
disease seems to have been endemic in Egypt from at least the Old Kingdom
period (ca. 2700-2400 B.C.), and if the term ukhedu in the Ebers Papyrus
indicates a form of clinical leprosy. then the ailment would have been familiar
to the Egyptians before 1500 B.C. Ukhedu does seem to describe a malignant
disease, but the identification with leprosy is not definite. A malformation in
the upper jaw of an Egyptian mummy, ca, 1400 B.C.. was once thought to be an
instance of leprosy but is now regarded as the result of chronic gingival
infection. Some writers have expressed surprise at the paucity of cases of
leprosy found in Egyptian mummies, since Lucretius (99-55 B.C.) claimed that elephas (leprosy) originated in
Egypt. Most probably, however, leprous Egyptians died in some isolated place
and were never mummified.
was already becoming globally distributed in the 7th cent. B.C., and by ca. 250
B.C. it was being reported by Greek physicians. It spread slowly west across
Europe. and by ca, 40 B.C. it had entered the British Isles.
view of the lengthy tradition attaching to the existence of the disease, it
seems ill-advised to suppose that the Hebrews became acquainted with the
affliction only after they had been in sedentary occupation of Canaan for some
time. Liberal writers who accept a post-exilic date for Leviticus to demonstrate
that sara'at
had nothing to do with clinical leprosy are actually working against their own
theoretical postulates, since the later that Leviticus is dated, the more
probable it is that the chronic form of sara'at was Hansen's disease,
which was unquestionably in Palestine by the 4th cent. B.C
Symptomatology and Diagnosis. The cause of leprosy fits the minute rod-shaped
organism Mycobacterium leprae, identified by the scientist G. A. Hansen in
1871-1873.(As his terminology indicates; Hansen thought that the infecting
agent is a fungus, but it is now known to be a bacillus or bacterium.) Hansen's
organism is similar to Koch's bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (which causes'
tuberculosis); indeed, "the two bacilli are possibly of common origin,
having become different through mutation.
speak of leprosy symptomatology is to raise some fundamental philosophical
issues related to all of human pathology. In the strictest sense there are no
such entities such as "diseases"; a disease is actually a collection
of symptoms that are given a designation for convenience. One must realize that
the designation may describe only the principal symptoms, and that a person
need not have all the attributed symptoms to have the disease. An equally
significant observation is that the pattern, distribution, and character of
some diseases have changed: over the centuries. Thus Browne (p. 8) properly
warned about the dangers of retrospectively diagnosing diseases mentioned in
ancient literature, especially if the terminology is indeterminate.
already noted, Heb sara'at in Lev: 13-14, although technical and obscure,
is known to denote a variety of related conditions (cf. the broad pathological
and metaphorical uses of "cancer").The symptoms of sara'at are detailed in Lev. 13
so that the Hebrew priest-physician could make a differential diagnosis. Since
medical legislation in the Torah has a preventative nature, the priest as
diagnostician functioned as a health officer more than the Babylonian or
Egyptian priest-physician did. The affliction that the Hebrew priest would
carefully inspect could have arisen spontaneously (vv. 2.6), or after a
prodromal interval of unspecified length (vv. 7f.). It could have succeeded a
furuncle, a carbuncle (vv. 18~23), or a burn (vv. 24-28), or it could have
developed upon the beard, the head or elsewhere on the body (vv. 29-44). Preliminary symptoms could include the
presence of subcutaneous swellings, or nodules (se'et), a cuticular scab (sappahat), and whitish-red spots
or reddish areas of skin (baheret)
a person with one or more of these symptoms that had turned into a leprous
disease presented himself to a priest (13:2); the priest pronounced him leprous
after inspection if the local hair had turned white (leucotrichia) and the affliction
seemed to have penetrated the skin (v. 3). If the person did not have the last
two symptoms, he was quarantined seven days and then seven more if the symptoms
showed no development (vv, 4-6); his condition was diagnosed as an eruption
(Heb. mispahat).
appears to be a general term for the slight pustulation occurring in many of
the dermatoses.
nonmalignant form of sara'at covered the person from head to foot (13:13).
This condition could not have been Hansen's disease, which seldom covers the
entire body and never makes the skin white. The condition would probably have
been psoriasis, in which round reddish patches covered with whitish scales
erupt on the scalp, elbows, knees, and back. This common affliction manifests
itself in several forms and is sometimes extremely resistant to treatment. Even
more probably, the sufferer was the victim of vitiligo (acquired leucoderma), a
condition marked by white patches on the skin characterized by deficiency of
pigment. The body chemistry involved has not yet been explained satisfactorily,
but the affliction, like psoriasis, is neither infectious nor harmful.
however, the Hebrew sufferer, had basar hay (presumably to be
translated "raw flesh"), then the condition would no longer have been
thought benign (13:14). Apparently ulceration was occurring, as in developed
cases of nodular leprosy. If the ulceration or inflammation was local and
transitory, the sufferer could be pronounced free of sara'at and therefore would be
ceremonially clean again. The extent of cuticular penetration governed the
seriousness of the condition, as though the developing pathology was being
viewed from inside rather than from outside the skin. This perspective would
help explain the decision that any pale or reddish swelling' beneath the skin
was malignant. The RV translation "deeper than the skin" may thus
indicate cutaneous nodules, that were about to erupt and form the fetid sores
seen in modern lepromatous leprosy. Persistently bright-pink patches of skin:
(Heb. baheret)
were a symptom of leprosy; they are sometimes seen on modern lepers.
the site of a previous, staphylococcal infection was ulcerated or inflamed
(13;18t), the symptoms of leucotrichia, cuticular penetration, and the spread
of infection determined the seriousness of the condition. The swelling in
question (Heb. se'hin; RSV "boil", NEB "fester") is of
uncertain nature but it could have been a furuncle a carbuncle, an ulcer, a
keloid, or erysipelas on the site of a boil.
mention of a burn on the skin (13:24-28) is interesting in view of the medical
contention that anesthetic patches are not recorded in this chapter. Burns
occur commonly among lepers when cutaneous nerve endings have been made
insensitive by the disease. Infection resulting in pus formation or ulcers can
have serious consequences if left
untreated. Verses 24-28 seem to refer to infection of a burn, perhaps
sustained because of the occurrence of macula-anesthetic leprosy; the condition
was pronounced malignant if the reddish-white area had spread and the local
hair had changed color.
seriousness of a disease, of the scalp or beard (Heb. neteq; Gk, thrausma) was governed by the
degree of skin penetration as well as by the amount of hair lost and a change
in hair color from dark to coppery (RSV: "yellow" 13:29-37). These
conditions incidentally are seen periodically in modern lepers and are
attributed by some medical authorities to vitamin or protein deficiency. The
condition in vv. 29--37, however, seems to be ringworm. (This fungus attacks
various areas of the skin and is extremely irritant in nature. It can be
contracted from cattle. Hair loss accompanied by a pinkish disease spot
indicates chronic leprosy, however.
white spots on the body(13:38f.) were not regarded as malignant; eruption,
(Heb. bohaq;
Gk. alphos)
was probably vitiligo. In a well-developed case of vitiligo the skin exhibits
complete loss of pigment, in contrast to leprosy the lesions of which are never
13:47-59 treats "leprous diseases" in cloth and leather garments. The
expression "warp or woof" probably refers to the woven or fabricated
material as a whole, which was judged diseased if it appeared greenish or
reddish. Fungi; mildew, iron mold, or dampness could be the responsible or
facilitating agents. Even buildings could be affected by "leprosy"
(14:34-53), which was apparently dry rot or mineral efflorescence affecting
stone walls.
diagnostic principles in Leviticus were deemed sufficient both to establish the
nature of the various types of sara'at and to provide for malignant cases. Such sufficiency was very
important if only because the malignant sara'at resembled other dermatoses in
so many respects; especially in the initial stages of the ailment, just as
Hansen's disease does today. Modern clinicians have similarly established
cardinal signs of leprosy, namely, localized hypopigmented patches; loss of
sensations particularly of temperature or touch, and the presence of M.leprae bacilli taken from skin
lesions. If a person has more than one of these signs he or she is deemed to be
a leper. Other experts reduce these signs to two, namely, loss or impairment of
cutaneous sensation regardless of the presence or absence of a skin patch, and
the thickening of nerves. These
basic signs indicate the two, principal types of leprosy--lepromatous
and nonlepromatous; the latter including tuberculoid, maculo-anesthetic, and
polyneuritic varieties. In addition, an intermediate leprosy group accommodates
borderline and indeterminate cases.
prodromal symptoms include vague pains in limbs and joints with intermittent
fever. The incubation period can vary between a few months and thirty years,
according to some leprologists, but when the eruptive stage occurs the disease
begins to assume its special character. In the severe form, lepromatous
leprosy, a hypopigmented patch of skin or numbness of skin occur first,
although ulcers, nasal blockage,
and other symptoms may anticipate the morbid skin changes. Lepromatous
(nodular)leprosy is the most severe form, with the nodules occurring in the
skin, mucous membranes, and perhaps subcutaneous tissues. Sometimes the nodules
ulcerate and discharge bacilli in large quantities. Many of the peripheral
nerves are affected, as are internal organs such as the spleen, liver, lymph
nodes, and adrenal glands. Lesions often occur in the nasal mucosa, the larynx,
and the eyes. In diffusely infiltrated lepromatous leprosy the skin of almost
the entire body may thicken and redden; some hair loss commonly occurs too. The
hypopigmented lesions of macular leprosy have smooth, reddish surfaces with
little loss of sensation and poorly defined margins. By comparison,
nonlepromatous leprosy is milder in character. Tuberculoid leprosy has few
lesions which may be hypopigmented or erythematous, with dry, rough surfaces
generally occurring. The lesions often affect peripheral nerves causing a loss
of tactile sensation except occasionally on facial patches. Like sufferers from
tuberculoid leprosy, maculoanesthetic patients are normally noninfective but
exhibit hypopigmented skin lesions that are more or less insensitive to touch.
Polyneuritic leprosy only involves peripheral nerves which thicken and
sometimes necrose when nodules form and become abscesses. Frequently in
advanced stages motor paralysis occurs.
table may assist in comparing the malignant condition described in Lev. 13 with
some forms of modern clinical leprosy.
Malignant sara'at |
Hansen's Disease |
or nodules on shiny or erythematous skin patch. Hypopigmentation
and spreading of patch. Pinkish-white
patches. Cuticular crusts. Subcutaneous
nodules. Loss
of scalp hair associated with a cutaneous lesion. (Scalp lesions rare?) _ Leucotrichia.
sore on the site of a burn. Coppery-colored
hair in a facial or scalp lesion. Skin
ulcers. Disease "deeper than the skin." "Quick
raw flesh." White,
spreading eruption, "no deeper than the skin." "Appearance
of leprosy." |
of lepromatous leprosy. Skin patch may also exhibit edema. Seen
in maculo-anesthetic leprosy, tuberculoid leprosy, and the indeterminate
group of leprosy. Diffuse
cutaneous erythema. Low-grade
pustulation common. Seen
in nodular lepromatous leprosy. Seen
in diffusely infiltrated lepromatous leprosy. Hair loss can occur in
different areas of the body. Not
reported in modern leprosy. Anesthetic
skin patches sometimes become infected. Hair-color
changes from black to coppery reported both in children and adults with some
forms of leprosy. Scaly
lesions rare. Lepromatous
ulcers. Subcutaneous
nodules either ready to ulcerate or erupting, seen in lepromatouS leprosy. Ulceration
or inflammation of lepromatous nodules? Hypopigmented,
slightly raised lesions seen in minor tuberculoid leprosy. Leonine
facies, indurated skin typical of diffusely infiltrated lepromatous leprosy. |
comparison in the" table suggests more correspondence between the
malignant sara'at
of Lev. 13, and some forms of clinical leprosy than has been conceded by
medical, practitioners (e,g., Browne, p, 14; R.G. Cochrane, p. 9) and some
biblical commentators. But it is true, that some features of leprosy are
unmentioned in Scripture, e.g., the fetid smell of gangrenous ulcers, the
thickening of nerves, contractures of joints, osseous changes and clawing of
the fingers.
fourteen-day quarantine for suspected malignant sara'at has been quite
correctly regarded as much too short for clinical leprosy to develop. But it
would have allowed certain differential diagnoses, such as scabies or ringworm,
to be made. Thus the quarantine would have helped to safeguard the interests of
priests and patients alike, since the diagnosis of leprosy even today can be
difficult in the early stages of the disease. No doubt ancient lepers, like.
many of their modern counterparts usually concealed themselves when they
suspected their illness. They probably would have sought diagnosis only when
the symptoms were already well advanced; note that in Lev. 13:2 the patient,
his friends, or his relatives seem already to have made a tentative diagnosis.
The abysmal terror associated with leprosy from ancient times was an Eastern
rather than a Western phenomenon; the modern reductionists who fail to find any
connection between Hansen's disease and the malign conditions of Lev. 13~14
have been unable to suggest any substitute ailment that would have inspired
such abject dread.
In contrast to modern practice, no herbal remedies or therapeutic measures were
prescribed by the Hebrew priest-physicians. Instead, the person diagnosed as
having malignant sara'at was banished from society (Lev. 13:45f.) as a hygienic
precaution. He had to proclaim by his appearance and actions his social and
religious uncleanness thus he was prevented from returning and communicating
the infection to members of what was meant to be a holy community. There is no
record from the ancient Near East of any effort to determine whether leprosy
was communicable.
if divine healing occurred:(cf. Numbers 12:9-15) could the sufferer apply to
the priest for a medical discharge. When his healing had been established; he
still had to satisfy certain social and religious requirements to be pronounced
clean; An appropriate ritual was provided (14:10-32); the elaborate detail
suggests that it was indeed used on occasion.
must be noted that concepts of cleanness or uncleanness have no real bearing
upon the meaning, etiology, or pathology of the term sara'at. The covenant community
of Israel was essentially a religious one (Ex. 19:6), and any form of
uncleanness or defilement, including that of malignant sara'at, was expressly
prohibited, Accordingly, specific cleansing and purifying procedures were
followed for mildewed or rotting garments (Lev. 13:47-58) and for buildings
similarly affected (14:33.53). These rituals were mandatory when prescribed by
the priests, because they carried the full sanction of the law (14;54~57).
the leper was regarded under the law as ceremonially unclean, in Scripture
leprosy was never considered a sin. To that extent leprosy was merely one of a
class of conditions that rendered a person ritually unclean, the main
differences being the social abhorrence of the condition and its duration. As
with all other forms of healing, the leper's restoration to health was regarded
in Scripture as a token of God's grace, and thus the concept of spontaneous
remission independent of divine activity had no place in biblical thought.
In the OT.
The affliction that God imposed upon Moses as a sign (Ex. 4:6) was evidently
not chronic sara'at, which, as has been noted, is never white. It may have been
leucoderma or psoriasis and was possibly the same affliction as Miriam's (Nu.
12:9~16). In both texts the gloss "white as snow" (Heb. kassaleg, lit. "like snow")
differentiates this sara'at from the chronic form. Naaman (2 Kings 5) also
does not seem to have been afflicted with Hansen's disease, since he lived and
worked among his own people. After Naaman's healing the affliction was
transferred to Gehazi (vv. 19-27), a gloss again occurs in the Hebrew text to
show that the disease was not Hansen's disease, but perhaps scabies or vitiligo
(leucoderma), In the early stages of the latter hypopigmented patches or"
skin develop and can easily be mistaken for lepromatous leprosy, particularly
if the observer has no desire for close contact with the sufferer.
four leprous men at the gate of Samaria most probably constituted a small
"leper colony" living together for mutual support (2 Kings 7:3-10);
there seems no reason for doubting that they had Hansen's disease. Uzziah (2
Ch. 26:19.21) was "smitten" (Heb. naga'; the related noun nega' is sometimes used
synonymously with sara'at with an ailment that the priests judged to be
leprosy, and accordingly he remained in isolation until his death. Browne (p.
13) dismissed the suggestion that Uzziah had sudden hyperemia in a leprous
lesion of the forehead that was otherwise inconspicuous. The perpetual
quarantine strongly implies chronic sara'at.
Sara'at could also be invoked
as a curse upon someone (cf. 2 S. 3:28f).
In the NT.
Although medical and other writers have doubted that OT references to sara'at ever indicate Hansen's
disease, it is clear that in Palestine during the NT period clinical leprosy
was a reality. The Israelite priests still used the diagnostic criteria of
Leviticus (Mt. 8:1-4; Mk. 1:40-44; etc.), and thus "cleansing" is
often mentioned in connection with healings recorded in the Gospels. The
Gospels' use of "leper" and "leprosy" seems less technical
than that of the law, but there is little doubt even from the scanty NT descriptions
of the personal and social plight of the sufferers that they were predominantly
victims of Hansen's disease.
and His disciples healed persons with leprosy, but the symptoms associated with
that disease are mentioned only in Luke. On their mission of witness the Twelve
(cf. Mt. 10:1, 8) were to anticipate the priesthood of all believers by
cleansing lepers. The account of the ten lepers (Lk. 17:11,19) uses
"cleanse" and "heal" interchangeably, and the believing
Samaritan appears as much under the covenant of divine grace as his Jewish
companions were. This coterie was most probably a small colony of people
suffering from Hansen's disease; doubtless several such groups were scattered
about Palestine in NT times. The leper of Lk. 5:12-15 has been considered a
victim of a dermatosis other than Hansen's disease, possibly vitiligo, but the
description "full of leprosy" (Gk. pleres lepras) seems instead to
indicate a chronic condition, quite possibly clinical leprosy. Simon the leper
(Mt. 26:6 par. Mk. 14:3) perhaps had only vitiligo or patches of hypopigmented
macules, since he was in close contact with society. [Bibliography omitted]
K. HARRISON, International
Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids 1986.