A Very Brief Resume

Physicist (retired)
I received an AB degree with high honors in physics and distinction
in mathematics from San Diego State University in June 1954. After
two years of graduate study in Physics and Electrical Engineering
at Stanford University, (1954-1956), I joined the staff of SRI
International (formerly Stanford Research Institute), in Menlo
Park, California where I remained almost continuously for the
next 30 years. I left my position at SRI as a Senior Research
Physicist in 1987 to pursue small-scale independent geophysical
consulting services, and to devote the bulk of my time to Bible
teaching, writing and Christian counseling.
Some of the areas of my professional and personal experience and
interest include the following:
- Auroral radar clutter, meteor trail communication, lunar
radar reflections.
- Ionospheric physics and radio propagation studies
- Natural and artificial ionospheric effects
- Rocket launch and re-entry trail phenomenology
- Over-the-Horizon radar development
- Radar and communications effects from high altitude nuclear
- Very high RF power generation by spark gap switching techniques
- Ball lightning and Nikola Tesla studies
- Electromagnetic propagation in the earth
- Development of ground penetrating radar (GPR) systems
- Electrical and gravity methods in geophysics
- Electrical methods for underwater detection and location
- High frequency seismic sounding for archaeology and geophysics
- Computer conference on unusual geological features on Mars
- Geophysical methods applied to archaeology: Egypt, Israel,
and the US
- Tomographic HF methods for location of plastic utility pipes
- Measurements-while-drilling (MWD) technology
- Geophysical methods for tunneling machine technology
- Non-constancy of the velocity of light
- Search for legendary treasures
using geophysical methods
- An Unofficial Resume

by Stu Mendelson,
Grants Pass, Oregon

Lambert became a Christian in 1962 after a long
search through the religions and philosophies of the world
Lambert's Home Page | Library
of Biblical Studies | Adventures and
Geophysical Services | Links

June 27, 1995. Revised February 24, 1996. Photo
November 7, 1997. June 16, 2003. May 13, 2018.