Arminian or Calvinist?
we at the Paraclete Forum have
received several inquiries on Calvinism vs. Arminianism. It seems that quite a
few Christians these days are discussing the similarities and differences in
these two theological schools of thought, as if they had to end up joining one
camp or the other. Here is the latest inquiry:
have found your website and the wealth of information you have made available
to be a vast help in my continuous journey of faith in Jesus Christ. I have to
tell you I can't express enough my thanks also to you for also posting the Ray
Stedman links that have helped me beyond belief in my walk.
I find myself in my journey concerned a little about this question of Calvinism
and Arminianism, I have started reading some of your postings from the A.C.
Custance writings, I hope i have his name correct. It has been somewhat helpful
to me. But, I have to admit, I am a bit out of my depth when it comes to this
portion of my faith. I had wished at times Ray Stedman was still around so I
could ask him what his stance would be on this issue, I have come to believe
much of what Ray has stated in his book Authentic Christianity that "nothing coming from me, and everything
coming from God", could only be stated as a Calvinist. And for this
teaching I am grateful, because I have found myself to be in such a depraved state
at times that I know there is no other way I could have come to faith but by
the power and grace of God.
of the questions I have raised have been answer as I continue to read these
articles by Arthur Custance. I was hoping you
might have an opinion you might be able to share with me on what your beliefs
would be on this issue, and also, since it seems from your website and some of
my readings over the years that you were relatively close to Pastor Ray that
you might have an idea on what his beliefs were on this issue, and how I may
find for myself what it is he
believed regarding this long standing conflict in the church. I also
would like to know what your opinion of the Calvary Chapel Movement is, I have
been attending their Church's for a number of years, but have found myself
noticing maybe a hint of Arminianism amidst their teachings. I heard the pastor
from the Mars Hill church in Seattle (which you seem to recommend) make a
comment also about the Calvary Chapel movement being Arminian in their beliefs.
I did read the statement of faith by Pastor Chuck Smith regarding the issue at
hand, and years ago I thought he put it relatively clear that somewhere in the
middle of the two might the truth be found. I had felt at the time and for the
past number of years this to be correct enough for me to believe, but recently
I find myself troubled over this issue, and would like to resolve it once and
for all.
so much for all your efforts in your website, and I look forward to our meeting
in the clouds if not before. Blessings in Christ, Doug."
are the comments of several members of our team.
from Fred:
tension that we all see in the two positions, Calvinism and its emphasis on
God's sovereignty v. Arminianism and its emphasis on freewill, may be one of
the greatest examples of a paradox we can find. Obviously, both positions can
be well-reasoned and based on tons of scriptures. After all, the Bible is very
clear that God created the universe and all that dwell therein. So, BIG is
hardly adequate to describe this God. All power and knowledge is derived from
Him, our Maker. But, the Bible gives us instance after instance of God offering
us choices: Choose this day life or death. And most of us who know God know
that even our own faith is a gift from Him. Our salvation is a gift, our
redemption is a gift, and our knowledge of Him is a gift (a revelation from
God). And, we also know that our stupid decisions can get us in a lot of
the first step for me is to simply come to the realization that I am a human
being, limited in knowledge and very prone to error. I cannot trust my own
heart sometimes (which the Prophet Jeremiah points out: "The heart is
deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?" As we
grow in maturity in Jesus, we can learn that trust is a very key component to
this all—Paul clearly writes that we should not trust in man, but trust
in God. So, it seems that we don't really need to trust in ourselves, but the
one who is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
also come to understand that my choices are all limited in some way, as well. I
cannot choose to wake up tomorrow and be 25 years old. I can't take thought and
add to my height or my intelligence, or to think my way into knowing
everything, just like God. Knowledge, at times, can make one arrogant—and
we would come right back to the primal sin of pride—to be like God, the
sin of Lucifer, and the sin of Adam and Eve. No, I will never be like God, and
from the first Adam, our job is to trust in the one who is worthy of trust, the
only one and the only God.
I can
also tell you that the Calvary Chapel position is certainly not Arminian. It is
an attempt to embrace both sides and the apparent paradox. The problems appear
to be in the extreme views.
For example, an extreme view of Calvinism
makes it very close to absolute determinism or a kind of fatalism, that our
decisions cannot possibly change anything. God chooses us, and his grace is
irresistible. So, it is not possible to resist or fight against the sovereign
will of God. I heard RC Sproul, (a marvelous theologian on the more extreme
side of Calvinism), on the radio the other day. He was discussing all the
different kinds of wills that God has, sovereign will, permissive will,
prescriptive will, on and on. It was a challenge following all the various ways
one can look at God's will. But, I find it very difficult to think that this
type of esoteric philosophical debate is available to all human beings. Didn't
Jesus have particular sympathy for little children?
We are to be
like children, and trust our loving Father.
I am
of the belief that the Gospel is so deep that (old line) elephants can swim in
it, but babies can never drown in it. The elegance of the Gospel story, that
Jesus died for my sins, is the kind of elegance and sophistication that
philosophers and theologians can chew on for their entire lifetimes, but it is
simple enough for the uneducated person to grasp in all its glory. "For
God so loved the world..." and that includes the educated as well as the
uneducated, the literate and illiterate.
maybe God has a dozen different kinds of will, and when He says that He desires
that none will perish, that's the kind of will that does not determine my
choice. But, when Jesus said to His disciples for the first time, "Follow
me and I will make you fishers of men," that would be a good time to
follow Him. Even Jesus had one follower who was obviously not like the others.
Was that God's fault? Maybe be yes, maybe no. Does it change the value of His
death and the importance of His resurrection? Absolutely not.
Arminian side, in its more extreme form, says that, in order to give human
beings a true choice, God cannot see the future. (He didn't make us little
robots that continually walk around giving Him praise and adoration. God seeks
fellowship, not automatons.) For, if God can see the future, then the future
could not be any other way. If God could see a flower bloom at 6 o'clock
tomorrow morning, than that flower must bloom at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning.
So, say, God sees that you, Doug, make a choice to follow Him ten years from
now; His vision of the future means that you will, indeed, make a decision to
follow Him. In a sense, His knowledge of the future would cause your decision
to occur because it could not be otherwise—He saw it! In the Arminian
view, God is running along the corridors of time (another well-known saying)
with you; so, therefore, He is bound by His own laws of Space and Time. He can
only be in one place at one time. In this view, omnipresence can only refer to
place, and not time, with serious ramifications. (Omnipotence also has to be
seen in that context.)
I had
a conversation with a group of devoted Arminians, and they spoke of God's
omniscience, but not in any way that I was used to (which does not make them
automatically wrong). God's knowledge is inexhaustible; He knows all things.
However, they added that He only knows what is knowable, and future events are not knowable. (Much of pop
psychology confirms this, in a way, that we cannot know what a human being will
do next.) They suggested that God's mind is like a humungous super-computer
that can figure out all possibilities and probabilities. That's the only way
they could see that God could have possibly spoken through the Prophets, e.g.,
predicting by name that Cyrus would be the person who began the return to
Jerusalem by exiled Jews.
I hope it's obvious that this extreme view overlooks the character of God as
revealed in scripture quite a bit. The God of Arminianism is finite, a lot like
me. How can God exist before the
beginning if we can trace His existence to some kind of beginning? "In the
beginning, God..." certainly implies that God was already there at the
beginning of time—or was that only the beginning of His creation? Did God
suddenly spring into existence? My Bible tells me that God exists from the
vanishing point (infinite past) to the vanishing point (infinite future). After
all, He revealed to Moses that His name is "I am that I am." He
doesn't have a name by which we have to distinguish Him from other gods or
goddesses: He simple exists, always has, and always will, despite what some
recent philosophers say (that God is dead).
Arminian position appears rational in the sense that all points are reasoned,
but it doesn't appear to me that the reasoning is based on Scripture first, and
that all the inferences are made accordingly. On the contrary, it is a type of reasoning
that seeks support for its premises, which is quite the opposite.
we bounce back to the Calvinist view that God is outside of time. He sees all things at once. It's like
viewing a parade, but being able to see the head and the tail at the same time.
Look, there! Doug just tripped on his shoelaces! If God sees you trip in the
middle of the parade, He obviously did not cause you to trip; He just saw you
trip. We are the ones marching along the corridors of Time, but God views Time
in a much different way. (See Chuck Smith has a similar view.
apparently, God still has chosen to respect our choices. Otherwise, how could a
just and merciful God justify anyone going to Hell? If God's will is the only
thing that we had to consider, then we wind up being in the position of saying
that God created billions of people just to rot in Hell and experience eternal
torment. That God is both small and mean. Calvinism, too, starts out with a set
of premises and deductively backs into many of its conclusions, having to
reinterpret the many scriptures that point to choice and freewill.
In my
experience, I know many people who have heard the Gospel and flat out rejected
it—it's too hot, it's too cold, it's too simple, it's too complicated.
They consciously reject the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. "There can't
be one absolute truth, or one true religion. How narrow-minded and
intolerant!" They believe that all so-called religions say the same basic
thing. Obviously, most of these people have never really examined the claims of
Jesus nor the claims of other religious leaders. But, anyone who exists has to
wonder where they came from; and, we all die, so it makes sense that we should
ask sincerely what's gonna happen when we die. As bad as our corporate
testimony can be sometimes, there are also the eyewitness accounts of millions
of people who have met God in Jesus, who have experienced His grace, mercy, and
love—yet we, just like Jesus, are subject to the scorn and ridicule of
people who think they're too smart to believe such a simple story about a
carpenter from Nazareth, the Messiah, and King of the Jews. How could one man's
death pay for my sins? What is sin, anyway?
if the world rejects Christ, then it is certainly not God's fault. He thought
of a plan that anyone and everyone could figure out. All you have to do is
seek, and you'll find; knock, and the door will be opened unto you. Believe,
and have everlasting life. I know lots of people who will know that God's
judgment will be absolutely fair, even if they did reject His love for their
entire lives. After all, God did say through Isaiah, "Come, let us reason
in my opinion, the middle point is a good place to be. I grow everyday in my
knowledge of the greatness of the Living God, His mercy, and His amazing grace.
I also find that I reluctantly learn to trust and obey. The world, my carnal
nature, the real enemy, all the things that the Bible teaches us, act in me.
"O wretched man that I am!" I'm so glad that God is there, that He is
faithful when I am faithless, to pick me up when I trip, and to set me on His
path, the narrow path.
personal conclusion is that many people want to follow one position or the
other to its logical extreme. But, the extreme Arminian has to overlook an
awful lot of evidence, just as the extreme Calvinist has to interpret every
time the word "choice" enters the text. If my choice has nothing
whatsoever to do with accepting the gift of the cross, then what possible
effect could evangelism have? Why would Jesus tell us to go into all the world
and preach the Gospel? What's the point?
smack in the middle of the Bible is a very curious book called the Song of
Songs. It details (rather graphically) a romantic relationship between Solomon
and the Shulamite woman. Jews have traditionally interpreted it as a picture of
God (Y-H-V-H) and Israel, His bride. (But she, as a nation, rejected her
beloved. Just read the prophets.) Christians have interpreted it as a picture
of Jesus and His Bride, the church (the people, not the steeple). Jesus spoke
of wedding feasts, and we have that picture pretty much throughout scriptures.
how does one become a bride? Doesn't she have to say, "Yes"? Without
her consent, there is no true marriage. Many are called, but few are
chosen...curious way to put it, no?
out I go into the highways of my life. I try to have a reason for this hope
that is in me. And, I will tell people about the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Unless they're invited, they simply won't know, and they won't have anything to
respond to. But, I also know that it is the Holy Spirit who draws all men to
Jesus. So, I don't even have to trust my inept ways of communicating, or all
the times that I say the wrong thing or nothing at all. We are all called to
repentance, a repentence of the heart. After that, we learn to trust and obey.
don't suppose I've cleared up anything. But, I can tell you that once you stop
trying to know everything and be like God, it does kinda become easier.
free to write me back and
express exactly where your problems are. This was just a general overview.
Sorry it's so long.
By Chuck
Predestination vs. Free Will
from the April 01, 2008 eNews issue
"The secret things belong to the
Lord our God, but the things which are revealed belong to us and to our
children forever..."
- Deuteronomy 29:29
From the beginning of time, thinkers have
puzzled over the paradox of fate vs. free will, or predestination vs. free
choice. In theological terms, this leads to the struggle between Calvinism and
Arminianism. As we explore this paradox, we find that examining the fruit of
each position reveals that the River of Life seems to flow between these two
extremes, and that once again, truth involves a careful balance.
At the heart of the controversies between
Calvinism and Arminianism is the emphasis on the sovereignty of God by the
Calvinists and on the sovereignty (free will) of man - or human responsibility
- by the Arminians. Calvinism emphasizes that God is in total control of
everything and that nothing can happen that He does not plan and direct,
including man's salvation. Arminianism teaches that man has free will and that
God will never interrupt or take that free will away, and that God has
obligated Himself to respect the free moral agency and capacity of free choice
with which He created us.
Both doctrinal positions are reasonable
and both have extensive Scriptures to back them up. Both are, in our opinion,
both partially right and partially overextended. As Philip Schaff has put it,
"Calvinism emphasized divine sovereignty and free grace; Arminianism
emphasized human responsibility. The one restricts the saving grace to the
elect; the other extends it to all men on the condition of faith. Both are
right in what they assert; both are wrong in what they deny. If one important
truth is pressed to the exclusion of another truth of equal importance, it
becomes an error, and loses its hold upon the conscience. The Bible gives us a
theology which is more human than Calvinism and more divine that Arminianism,
and more Christian than either of them."
Certainly, the Bible does teach that God
is sovereign, and that believers are predestined and elected by God to spend
eternity with Him. Nowhere, however, does the Bible ever associate election
with damnation. Conversely, the Scriptures teach that God elects for salvation,
but that unbelievers are in hell by their own choice. Every passage of the
Bible that deals with election deals with it in the context of salvation, not
damnation. No one is elect for hell. The only support for such a view is human logic,
not Biblical revelation (which John Calvin did teach).
The concept of total depravity is
consistent with Scripture, but the doctrine of limited atonement, that Jesus
did not die for the sins of the whole world, is clearly contrary to Biblical
teaching. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus died for everyone's sins and
that everyone is able to be saved if they will repent and turn to Christ.
Limited atonement is a non-Biblical doctrine.
Election and predestination are Biblical
doctrines. God knows everything and therefore He cannot be surprised by
anything. He is beyond the constraints of mass, acceleration and gravity,
therefore He is outside time. He knows, and has known from "eternity
past," who will exercise their free will to accept Him and who will reject
Him. The former are "the elect" and the latter are the
"non-elect." Everyone who is not saved will have only himself to
blame: God will not send anyone to hell, but many people will choose to go
there by exercising their free will to reject Christ.
On the other hand, no one who is saved
will be able to take any of the credit. Our salvation is entirely God's work,
and is based completely on the finished work of the Cross. We were dead in
trespasses and sins, destined for hell, when God in His grace drew us to
Himself, convinced us of our sin and our need for a Savior, and gave us the
authority to call Jesus Lord. Is this grace, this wooing, this courtship,
irresistible? No, we
have free will and we can (and do) resist, even to the damnation of our souls,
but God does everything short of making us automata (preprogrammed puppets) to
draw us into His forever family.
Matthew 13:37-39 And he answered
and said, He that sows the good seed is the Son of man; and the field is
the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares
are the sons of the evil one; and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and
the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels.
John. 10:29 My Father, who has
given them unto me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out
of the Father's hand.
Romans 9:21 Or has not the potter a
right over the clay, from the same lump to make one part a vessel unto honor,
and another unto dishonor?
Comment from LB.
The Calvin, Armenian discussion has huge
groups on each side. My very brief opinion comes from passages such as these:
John 10:26-29 is saying no one can snatch
us out of His hand. This means no one.
But ye believe not, because
ye are not of my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they
follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, and
no one shall snatch them out of my hand.
My Father, who has given them
unto me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the
Father's hand.
Ephesians 1:11-14 is saying that once we
"believe" we are "sealed" with the Holy Spirit, a promise
of our inheritance, a possession of God. This sealing has a finality to it, a
promise that we will stay His.
In whom also we were made a
heritage, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who worketh
all things after the counsel of his will; to the end that we should be
unto the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ: in whom ye
also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation in whom,
having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is
an earnest of our inheritance, unto the redemption of God's own possession, unto the praise of
his glory.
There are many other passages that provide
this assurance. I have never met someone who says, "I have lost my
salvation" even though they might believe it is possible.
I would not like to live each day
believing my salvation rests on my ability to keep it. I'm simply not that
capable. A life with no evidence of being a new creature in Christ and loudly
expresses a rejection of such belief once held, I suggest there never was a
belief, an acceptance of Christ.
Yes, we can fall and be forgiven. Thanks
for sharing your thoughts and question.
Added Comment by LB 9/26/08:
Arminianism and Calvinism as you know are not biblical words, simply views from
highly respected people in the past. Calvin had an emphasis in
predestination, total depravity and eternal security. In reading about his life
and ideas I find like most of us had many contradictions and personal flaws. I�m
not comfortable in using Calvinism, Arminianism, etc. to describe the Christian
faith. It is far more important to examine scripture, a passage and
discuss its meaning. Once away from the text we quickly jump into speculation
and general philosophy.
Arminius had an
emphasis on losing one's salvation in contrast to Calvin's view of once saved
always saved. Many of his ideas are very biblical including salvation by
God�s grace, not by human effort.
The Pentecostal
branch of believers tend to follow the Arminian view however it is not wise to
characterize a group of believers. In talking to people, pastors in both camps
I find a great diversity but also common agreement.
I have many
friends who hold the Arminian view however rarely meet one who acknowledges
losing their salvation. They usually speak of
"backsliding" not losing eternal life.
I can't imagine
once accepting Christ as Lord ever wanting or even able to leave that position
however do believe many "christians" were never born again, the term
Jesus used with Nicodemus. Many reject the "christian faith"
never really having a personal relationship with Christ, merely the social,
church experience.
Comment from Elaine:
The issue of eternal security (Calvinism)
vs. Arminianism has its roots in a deeper issue, which is Sovereignty vs. Free
Will, does it not? In which case, IMO, we must hold that both are true since
both are clearly taught in Scripture. The tension between the two seems to
human thinking paradoxical, but is actually a case for "the mystery of godliness", or 9 better yet the
mystery of GOD.
"Mystery" has become a key word to me in my dotage.
Of course "mystery" has its own peril, in
that it can be used as an escape hatch for issues we choose to avoid. It can
also turn mystical in a
negative sense, or just another way
of trying to comprehend God.
A Quote from Donald Grey Barnhouse:
"People are all standing in a room with several
doors. Above one door is a sign which reads "All who will may enter."
Those who choose to enter the door find on the back side of the door a sign
which reads, "Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world."
Originated July 19, 2008