Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, California
Discovery Publishing is the publication ministry of Peninsula Bible Church. Since its inception, Peninsula Bible Church has worked toward a simple goal: "To equip the saints for the work of the ministry" (Ephesians 4:12a)--equipped saints understand God's Word. To that end, PBC has sought to teach the profound truths of this Word in clarity and simplicity through expository preaching.
Expository preaching derives its content from the Scripture itself, seeking to discover its divinely intended meaning, to observe its effect upon those who first received it and to apply it to those who seek its guidance in the present. Discovery Publishing (DP) has captured these sermons in print. Each week the sermons preached from the pulpit of PBC Palo Alto and PBC Cupertino are made available to the local body in printed format (known as Discovery Papers). Every other month Discovery Papers are mailed to 2,500 people on our mailing list in the US and overseas. Numerous volunteers give their time in the production and mailing of materials. More than 1600 papers as well as numerous books, tapes, and booklets are available. These materials are used for review, in individual and group study, as counseling aids, as reference for teaching assignments, and as handouts that are shared with friends to uplift and exhort them.
An Order Form and Catalog are available online for your convenience. Through contributions DP is able to make the Discovery Papers available in printed form. Please consider a donation of 50¢ per message when ordering printed messages from us so that we may continue to provide this service. You may also order tapes of sermons or special seminars through the DP office or in the bookstore. The Discovery Publishing bookstore is open Monday through Friday (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and between services each Sunday. We also carry all of Ray C. Stedman's books as well as a variety of materials written by other PBC pastors and outside authors.
You may subscribe to both Discovery Papers and Tapes on a monthly or annual basis. Irene Dashler, Discovery Publishing Manager. The Discovery Publishing office is located on the PBC campus (3505 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94306) at the end of the C-building. The Discovery bookstore is located next to the reception office. Our phone number is (650) 494-0623 or you may order by Fax: (650) 494-1268. Email:
Irene Dashler, Discovery
Publishing Manager