The Talmud says there are three things a man ought to do before he dies: plant a tree, have a child and write a book, which means, I suppose, that he ought to leave something behind that prolongs his usefulness. That's why I've written these essays.
My usefulness, as I see it, lies largely in the degree to which I have helped others move a little closer to God. If these musings do that for you I've accomplished my purpose in writing them.
Years ago I read an introduction to a commentary by Matthew Henry that states well my thoughts as I write: "If I may but be instrumental to make my readers wise and good, wiser and better and more in love with God and His word, I have all I desire, all I aim at."Who could ask for anything more?
David and Carolyn Roper
Idaho Mountain Ministries
2503 Bruins Circle
Boise, ID 83704
Phone: 208.376.6607
Fax: 208.376.2633