“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”
- C.S. Lewis
Social Entropy
The Great God Self
Social Entropy (Wikipedia)
Revivel? Not Likely?
Entropy: It always Increases
Entropy on the Internet
The Mystery of Time's Arrow
Hidden Things
The Church of the Zombies (RCS)
Entropy and the Internet
Signal to Noise (Wikipedia)
Aging (Wikipedia)

We don’t want revival
—and most of us don’t want the rapture either.

“Leave us alone God.”
“Can’t you see I’m Busy.?”
”Mind your own Business God.”
“I’ll Call You When I Need You”
“Hell No, I Won’t Go.”
“You Owe Me Big Time God.”
“I’m Entitled to a Decent Life.”

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October 21, 2023