The Present Day
As Interpreted from a Biblical Precedent

by J. Timothy Unruh
Copyright © 1996


This timely report written by a long time observational astronomer represents a carefully researched examination of what has undoubtedly become one of the greatest and strangest mysteries of our time, namely the UFO-Alien Abduction phenomenon. Given the dramatic increase in the number of unexplained anomalous aerial events sighted and reported since World War II, and particularly in light of the rapidly increasing numbers of alleged human abductions by the occupants of these aerial apparitions, our understanding of such phenomena, or the lack thereof, has challenged us to the point where a sensible explanation is in serious demand. In this writing, current theories about UFOs and their associated phenomenon are critically analyzed. In addition to these evaluations is the introduction of an explanation developed from a decidedly Biblical perspective, based on an ancient precedent to the present day apparitions, as recorded in the book of Genesis. In an obscure passage of Genesis we find a startling disclosure about a massive "alien" invasion in the days of Noah before the Flood. In this perspective are discussed the greater arena of cosmic inhabitants which were brought into being along with man during the creation epoch several thousand years ago. A subclass of these same beings, which are accountable for the present tainted condition of our world and its troubled humanity, are brought into account for this great mystery of our day, an enigma which begs for an answer. It is apparent that such an answer is indeed found in the Biblical record. Written at a popular level, this illustrated treatise is a must reading for anyone even casually interested in or concerned about what is going on today in this heretofore grossly misunderstood phenomenon.

Please send me ______ copies of the 8_" x 11" 70 page spiral bound book, "The Present Day UFO-ALIEN ABDUCTION PHENOMENON as Interpreted from a Biblical Precedent" at $10.00 each. Foreign add 25% (U.S. Funds). California residents add 7.25% sales tax. For shipping add $2.55 for one (1) book, add $1.25 for each additional book. Make check or money order payable to: J. Timothy Unruh: Back Yard Astronomers, Box 1034, Rocklin, CA 95677-1034. (916) 624-9521.


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