Ted keeps his eyes on things!

Ted's Art Gallery

Bombay December 1970

Speaking to the girls at Vemilla
Girls' School, Kerala, South India, 1970

Ted with Friend, December

Ted Uncovers Sinister Plot to Replace Prince
Charles as the Antichrist

Old friend of Ted's Now
on Tour!

Our under cover reporter has smuggled out this secret photo
of another
septuagenarian astronaut slated to ride the Shuttle with John
Glenn. This
mystery astronaut is rumored to be the payload master for time
and space
experiments. . . mostly in charge of "are we there, yet?"

Some of my friends are of dubious character

"I believe Ray Stedman used to say that
there was more fellowship in the average bar
than in most churches today?"
Y2K is Coming Soon!

St. Bruce of the Power Pole

Visiting the Famous Artist aboard the Nautus

Dr. Wise recently moved to Pasadena.
He reports smog levels are indeed very high in the entire Lala
Land Basin
(August 2001)