This short series of 4 sermons (DP #3297-3300) was preached in 1976-77 at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California, by Ray C. Stedman and David H. Roper. HTML or PDF format.

  1. The Bread from Heaven (RCS), (John 6) (DP #3297) | (PDF)

  2. The King of Peace (DHR), (Genesis 14:17-24) (DP #3298) | (PDF)

  3. At Judas' Feet (DHR), (John 13:1-20) (DP #3299) | (PDF)

  4. The Servant of the Lord (DHR), (Isaiah 42:1-4) (DP #3300) | (PDF)

All four messages combined into one Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, 17 pages, 104k.

CD Homepage | Discovery Publishing | Ray Stedman Library