Expository Studies in Colossians
by Ray C. Stedman
A series of 12 sermons on the New Testament
Epistle to the Colossians preached at Peninsula Bible Church in
Palo Alto, California by Ray C. Stedman in 1986. Available in
HTML or PDF Format

- Where Hope Begins (1:1-8) (4019)
| PDF)
- Growing Up (1:9-14) (4020) | (PDF)
- Master of the Universe (1:15-17) (4021)
| (PDF)
- The Reason for the Season (1:18-20) (4022)
| (PDF)
- The Great Mystery (1:21-29) (4023)
| (PDF)
- The Overflowing Life (2:1-7) (4024)
| (PDF)
- Beware! (2:8-15) (4025) | (PDF)
- The Things that can Ruin your Faith (2:16-23)
(4026) | (PDF)
- True Human Potential (3:1-11) (4027)
| (PDF)
- Put on the New (3:12-17) (4028) |
- Living Christianly (3:18-4:6) (4029)
| (PDF)
- The Early-Day Saints (4:7-18) (4030)
| (PDF )
Entire Series in one Acrobat
PDF file | This Index Page in PDF
CD Homepage | Discovery Publishing | Ray
Stedman Library