by Ray C. Stedman
Ray Stedman preached five different series
of messages covering Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. These messages
began in 1965 and 1966 and were concluded in 1972. The opening
chapters of Ephesians actually comprised the last and final series.
They were all preached at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto,
California. Messages are in HTML or PDF format.
Riches in Christ, (DP#3001-3017), 17 messages
- God at Work (1:1-14) | (PDF)
- The Foundations (1:3-14) | (PDF)
- Liberated! (1:7-8) | (PDF)
- The Mystery of Unity (1:9-12) | (PDF)
- The Word and the Spirit (1:13-14)
| (PDF)
- Turned on by Prayer (1:15-18) | (PDF)
- Hopes, Riches and Power (1:18-23)
| (PDF)
- The Human Dilemma (2:1-3) | (PDF)
- But God... (2:4-6) | (PDF)
- Alive to Live (2:4-7) | (PDF)
- On Display (2:7-10) | (PDF)
- Strangers in Darkness (2:11-13) |
- Prince of Peace (2:13-18) | (PDF)
- The Third Race (2:19-22) | (PDF)
- The Great Mystery (3:1-6) | (PDF)
- Secret Riches (3:7-13) | (PDF)
- How Prayer Works (3:13-21) | (PDF)
The Ministry of the Saints, (DP#108-116), 9 messages
- Why the Church Exists (4:1-3) | (PDF)
- The Cry for Unity (4:1-6) | (PDF)
- How the Church Works (4:7-10) | (PDF)
- What is your Gift? (4:11-15) | (PDF)
- Understanding your Gift (4:11, 12)
| (PDF)
- The Contemporary Christ (4:11) |
- The Church's Building and Maintenance
Service (4:11-12) | (PDF)
- Shaping Up the Saints (4:11-12) |
- On Growing Up (4:13-16) | (PDF)
The Christian in The World, (DP#119-127), 9 messages
- Darkness of Mind (4:17-21) | (PDF)
- Putting Off-Putting On (4:22-24)
| (PDF)
- Practicing Christianty (4:22-27)
| (PDF)
- Living in Focus (4:28, 29) | (PDF)
- Forgive and Live (4:30-32) | (PDF)
- The Call of the Hour (5:1, 2) | (PDF)
- New Morality or Ancient Foolishness?
Part 1 (5:3, 4) | (PDF)
- New Morality or Ancient Foolishness?
Part 2 (5:5-14) | (PDF)
- Watch How you Walk (5:15-20) | (PDF)
Christian Relationships, (DP#130-133), 4 messages
- The Cure for Conflict (5:21) | (PDF)
- Husbands and Wives (5::22-33) | (PDF)
- Parents and Children (6:1-4) | (PDF)
- Employers and Employees (6:5-9) |
Spiritual Warfare, (DP#98-107), 10 messages
- The Forces we Face (6:10) | (PDF)
- Beginning the Battle (6:10-13) |
- The Strategy of Satan (6:10-13) |
- The Tactics of Terror (6:10-13) |
- Defense Against Defeat-Part 1 (6:14-17)
| (PDF)
- Defense Against Defeat-Part 2 (6:10-18)
| (PDF)
- Defense Against Defeat-Part 3 (6:17)
| (PDF)
- Defense Against Defeat-Part 4 (6:14-17)
| (PDF)
- Advice When Attacked (6:18-20) |
- The Infallible Posture (6:10-20)
| (PDF)
Entire series on Ephesians in one Acrobat
PDF file for easy printing
This Index Page in PDF format

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Stedman Library