Kenny Wells, 16 is a great Cyberspace Christian friend of mine--Lambert Dolphin
I am pleased to share my testimony via internet!
To start off I will give you a little information about my family, mainly the fact that my grandpa and dad have each pastored churches. I have a Christian heritage that I'm very proud of. I'm glad that my parents raised me in a Christian home, but mostly I'm thankful for them sharing the gospel with me!
It was June 1991 (I don't know the exact date) and it was the Monday after Vacation Bible School, I believe. At that time we were going to Smyrna Baptist Church (We started attending another church a few months later, but ironically I go there now!). Three of my cousins were over at our house, for my mom was babysitting, and we started to ask questions. She got out an old coloring book and used the Salvation message in it to explain the Bible simply enough. I can only remember certain, basic, and most important details. I remember placing my trust in Him, believing He died for me, asking Him to forgive me, and asking Him to come into my heart and be my personal Lord and Savior! HE DID! I can even remember running through our neighbor's yard (my aunt & uncle) and I told her, "I just got saved!" She sat with a confused look on her face and said something similar to, "From what?" Then I explained to her what I had done and she understood then and was very happy for me; she had known the Lord for a while then and knew how good He is. Ironically, my pastor is my uncle now! See how family values and Christian examples are important to a young guy.
We still have the coloring book my mom used to witness to me! It was just a simple little Christmas coloring book with a Christian theme. It's amazing how God can use people you see everyday and items that you don't take seriously to convict you of your sins. In my case, it was a Godly mom and one of my "toys"--a coloring book.
Christians, imagine how much of a witness you can be with your life. Also, think of how many times God has laid a small thing upon your heart, maybe just to pick the phone up and ask a lost friend that's sick if they are feeling better. The discussion might possibly have led to a more serious illness-their sinful, lost state of being. Then God could use you to be a witness for Him and cause that person to become a true child of God. God could use a simple situation to bring others to him. Think about it.
After getting born into the family of God, my life didn't change drastically. I hadn't done drugs before or had sex or anything like that before I got saved. I've heard this before and let me repeat it again: you don't have to have a drastic lifestyle change to be a witness! Some people believe you have to have the conversion where one day before you were hooked on drugs and now you're totally clean. Those testimonies are wonderful too, don't get me wrong, but don't think less of your salvation experience if you don't have a testimony like some others. I used to think my testimony was plain and normal, except for the fact that He saved me, yet the truth of the matter is that the Devil wants you quiet. I've never shared my testimony publicly, but I love talking to people one to one or writing to them. Living a Christian life is as equally effective in winning others to Jesus Christ! Many people say Christians are hypocrites--live a life to prove them wrong!!!
Now, I am involved in trying to find His will for the rest of my life. I'm 15 years old; in a few more years I will have to make career choices. I try to study the Bible and know the things in it. Knowing doctrine is important. I really don't know that much about it, but, Lord willing, I have some good years ahead of me to learn.
I welcome any e-mails or ICQ messages.
Kenny Wells
Please, Christians, pray for me, would you?"
New! Recently added, also by Kenny Wells.
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Updated July 18, 1998, December 22, 1998, March 28, 1999, July 7, 1999. March 7, 2000. March 18, 2001